Long Island Horticultural Society
The Long Island Horticultural Society (LIHS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing our members useful information about gardening and to providing inspiration via interesting and knowledgeable speakers on a wide range of horticultural topics. Founded in 1934, the group meets every month (except July and August) in the Conference Center at Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Oyster Bay. Meetings usually feature an educational lecture or tutorial given by one of our members; a main speaker who is a locally and often nationally known expert in his/her field; a horticultural competition (judged flower show); a raffle; and a chance at the end of the meeting to talk with the speaker(s), exchange ideas, and greet friends over coffee, cake, and other refreshments.
In addition, LIHS holds a Spring Plant Sale; arranges visits to members' gardens; and plans trips to respected local, national, and international gardens. Members receive an informative monthly newsletter and of free admission to Planting Fields on meeting days. LIHS membership is open to everyone who loves gardening and wants to learn more about it.
Interested in becoming a member? Membership is $35 for single person, $45 for a household and $5 for students per year. You can sign up on the Membership Page.