Gardening Resources
Tutorial Videos
by LIHS Members
Make Your Own Insect Repellent
Lecture & Demonstration by
JoAnn Semeraro 12 minutes
Care and cultivation of Bearded Iris
Lecture & Demonstration by
Ann Wetzel 11 minutes
Houseplant Tutorial
Lecture & Powerpoint presentation by
Laura Weill 12 minutes
Seed Starting Basics Ann Wetzel 8 mins
Seed Success Tip and Tricks Ann Wetzel 7 mins
Click on the titles to open the PDF documents
Patty Jarrett created these templates for coloring & creating your own seed packets

Round-up Alternatives used with permission from ConsumerNotice.org
Creating a Pollinator Garden for Specialist Bees in NY
Cornell University, Maria van Dyke, Kristine Boys, Rosemarie Parker, Robert Wesley, Bryan Danforth
Power Point Presentations of past tutorials about visits to British Gardens by Levente Hajdu:
Helpful guide for gift shopping for all the gardeners in your world.
Fun guide to the symbolic meanings of plants. Compiled by Ann Wetzel
Plants that can pose dangers to pets complied by Ann Wetzel
Long Island native plant guide written by past LIHS speaker Joyann Cirigliano
2020 horticulture guide for Long Island written and published by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Contains information about how to plant trees, maintaining healthy soil, cold and heat zones for LI, award winning plants, plants that attract birds and butterflies, plants that support native bees, deer resistant plants among other topics.
Plant guide to create a butterfly haven in your own garden. Host plants provide food for the next generation and nectar plants provide food for the adults to survive on. Lists of both types and the butterflies they attract.